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Free Traffic

Blog Strategies For Free Traffic

Blog Strategies For Free Traffic

There are various strategies to increase your traffic for a blog, with the goal of creating the maximum exposure for each post. You want to use all the features available for that. So, that when you initially write a post, you will want to follow these steps:

  1. Identify a topic of major interest to your readers,
  2. Choose appropriate keywords for SEO or use plug-in,
  3. Write it up and tag it with relevant tags,
  4. Categorize it to make it easy to find in your blog,
  5. Add interesting and helpful content,
  6. Publish it,
  7. Bookmark it,
  8. Submit it to news sites,
  9. Respond to all comments to generate a discussion,
  10. Go to other blogs with similar topics and post comment and backlink.

You also want to research which posts were the most successful and steer your future blog articles in that direction. That’s pretty easy to tell because your administrative panel will show the number of people who found your post and probably read it. It should also indicate which are the top posts of all, and that can also be valuable information.

If you happen to get a trackback from another blogger, this is really great news! A trackback is a reference back to your post from another blogger with a similar post. This can generate instant traffic for your post and you may be wondering where it’s coming from, until you see the trackback. So, make sure trackbacks are enabled on your site.

One of the ways search engines determine how to rate your content is by the number of backlinks. So, when you work with a number of other bloggers, you can raise each other’s post values by linking back to posts or using trackbacks.

Lastly, if you are still having trouble raising interest, try to ride on the coat-tails of other popular blogs that have made the front page of some tagging or news site. You simply put a comment in their blog with a link back to your post. Or, you can try to respond to an interesting article online with your own commentary and offer a link back to their blog. Then, add a comment showing your own controversial view of the topic to get extra readers by sharing your link.